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Explant Surgery

Explant surgery is the removal of a breast implant. I remove the implant from the breast pocket and then the next step will depend on the reason you have chosen to have your implants out.

There are a variety of options.

Some women choose to have their implants out through pure necessity, the implant may be old and hard with tight capsular contracture or a rupture or leak. Some women have lived with their implants for a number of years and simply no longer want them, their bodies may have changed and “my implants are no longer “me”. Other women have breast-implant associated illness. More on this later…

The Ins and Outs of Explant Surgery

In some cases, this can be a very straightforward procedure, where I can use the same incision locations as the original implant surgery, avoiding any extra scarring. However, when there is thick capsular contracture or implant rupture, surgery can become extremely complex.

On assessment, if you are lucky enough to have great skin and an upright shape (not yet drooping), then taking your implants without any corrective work might look satisfactory, the breasts may shrink down nicely without the appearance of emptiness but depends on the elasticity of your skin, previous smoking/ sun damage, and general factors like age and weight.

Breast Implant Associated Illness

Many women have reported a range of symptoms that they feel are attributable to their breast implants. This is known as Breast Implant Illness (BII)
Some symptoms of (BIAI) that are commonly reported include:

• Chronic fatigue and headaches
• Persistent joint and muscle pain
• Unexplained respiratory difficulties
• Hair loss and frequent skin rashes
• Chronically dry mouth and eyes
• Poor memory and concentration
• Depression, anxiety, and insomnia

If you’re experiencing symptoms that you think may be linked to your breast augmentation, it’s important to have your own doctor rule out any other illnesses that might be causing these before coming to me. It is important to understand that undergoing explant surgery is not without risk, no surgery is. Explant surgery may not resolve your symptoms, unless directly related to the implant (eg rupture or contracture).

Explant surgery - Sascha Dua Breast Surgeon